



The JAPAN-EMNetフェローシップでは後藤匡啓先生、平山敦士先生が頑張ってくれています。彼らによる複数の原著論文の出版、ACEPでのthe Best Paper Award受賞などいいニュースもありました(ますますの活躍を期待しています)。


さらには研究の内容を疫学からextendしてtranslationalな方向に力を入れ始めました(例:今年はmicrobiome関連の論文で6本)。ニッチ戦略が軌道に乗り、NIH のAirway Microbiome Workshopにもinvited speakerとして意見を求められるようなりました。NIH ECHO Projectの一員としてNIH に行く機会も出てきました。




最終的には、2016年のみで計30本の原著論文を送り出すことができました。多くは各領域のleading journalからです (例, Ann Emerg Med, Chest, Eur Respir J, J Allergy Clin Immunol, J Am Coll Cardiol, Pediatrics)。以下に原著論文のリスト (2016年に出版もしくはin press)を載せておきます。

  1. Hasegawa K, Camargo CA Jr. Prevalence of blood eosinophilia in hospitalized patients with acute exacerbation of COPD. Respirology, 2016;21(4):761-4.
  2. Goto T, Yoshida K, Tsugawa Y, Camargo CA Jr., Hasegawa K. Infectious disease-related emergency department visits among the elderly in the United States, 2011-2012. J Am Geriatr Soc 2016;64(1):31-6.
  3. Kawano T, Tsugawa Y, Nishiyama K, Morita H, Yamamura O, Hasegawa K. Shelter crowding and increased incidence of acute respiratory infection among evacuees following the Great Eastern Japan Earthquake and Tsunami. Epidemiol Infect 2016;13;6(1):e009711.
  4. Kawano T, Nishiyama K, Morita H, Yamamura O, Hiraide A, Hasegawa K. Association between shelter crowding and incidence of sleep disturbance among disaster evacuees: A retrospective medical chart review study. BMJ Open 2016;6:e009711.
  5. Hasegawa K, Stoll SJ, Ahn J, Kysia RF, Sullivan AF, Camargo CA Jr. Association of insurance status with asthma severity and management in U.S. emergency department patients with asthma exacerbation. West J Emerg Med 2016;17(1):22-7.
  6. Goto T, Tsugawa Y, Camargo CA Jr., Hasegawa K. Sex differences in the risk of hospitalization among patients presenting to U.S. emergency department with asthma exacerbation, 2010-2012. J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract 2016;4(1):149-151.
  7. Shimada YJ, Tsugawa Y, Brown DFM, Hasegawa K. Association between bariatric surgery and emergency department visits and hospitalizations for heart failure exacerbation: A population-based self-controlled case series study. J Am Coll Cardiol 2016;67(8):895-903
  8. Hasegawa K, Gibo K, Tsugawa Y, Shimada Y, Camargo CA Jr. Age-related differences in the rate, timing, and diagnosis of 30-day readmissions in hospitalized adults with asthma exacerbation. CHEST 2016;149(4):1021-9.
  9. Hasegawa K, Brenner BE, Nowak RM, Trent SA, Herrera V, Gabriel S, Bittner JC, Camargo CA Jr. Association of guideline-concordant acute asthma care in the emergency department with shorter hospital length-of-stay: A multicenter observational study. Acad Emerg Med 2016;23(5):616-22.
  10. Mansbach JM, Hasegawa K, Henke DM, Ajami NJ, Petrosino JF, Shaw CA, Piedra PA, Sullivan AF, Espinola JA, Camargo CA Jr. Respiratory syncytial virus and rhinovirus severe bronchiolitis are associated with distinct nasopharyngeal microbiota. J Allergy Clin Immunol 2016;137(6):1909-1913.
  11. Goto T, Gibo K, Hagiwara Y, Okubo M, Brown DFM, Brown CA III, Hasegawa K. Factors associated with first-pass success in pediatric intubation in the emergency department: An analysis of two multicentre prospective observational studies. West J Emerg Med 2016;17(2):129-34.
  12. Goto T, Tsugawa Y, Mansbach JM, Camargo CA Jr., Hasegawa K. Trends in infectious disease hospitalizations in U.S. children, 2000-2012. Pediatr Infect Dis J 2016;35(6):e158-63.
  13. Bittner JC, Hasegawa K, Probst BD, Mould-Millman NK, Silverman RA, Camargo CA Jr. Smoking status and smoking cessation intervention among U.S. adults hospitalized for asthma exacerbation. Allergy Asthma Proc 2016;37(4):318-323.
  14. Hasegawa K, Linnemann RW, Mansbach JM, Ajami NJ, Espinola JA, Petrosino JF, Piedra PA, Stevenson MD, Sullivan AF, Thompson AD, Camargo CA Jr. The fecal microbiota profile and bronchiolitis in infants. Pediatrics 2016;138(1)
  15. Hasegawa K, Tsugawa Y, Clark S, Eastin CD, Gabriel S, Herrera V, Bittner JC, Camargo CA Jr., on behalf of the MARC-37 Investigators. Improving quality of acute asthma care in U.S. hospitals: Changes between 1999-2000 and 2012-2013. CHEST 2016;150(1):112-22.
  16. Jinno S, Hasegawa K, Neogi T, Goto T, Dubreuil M. Trends in emergency department visits and charges for gout in the US between 2006 and 2012. J Rheumatol 2016;43(8):1589-92.
  17. Weiner SG, Raja AS, Bittner JC, Curtis KM, Weinmersheimer P, Hasegawa K, Espinola JA, Camargo CA Jr. Opioid-related policies in New England emergency departments, 2014 Acad Emerg Med 2016;23(9):1086-90.
  18. Goto T, Yoshida K, Tsugawa Y, Filbin MR, Camargo CA Jr., Hasegawa K. Mortality trends in U.S. adults with septic shock, 2005-2011: Is the mortality really improving? BMC Infect Dis 2016;14;16(1):294.
  19. Dumas O, Mansbach JM, Jartti T, Hasegawa K, Sullivan AF, Piedra PA, Camargo CA Jr. A clustering approach to identify severe bronchiolitis profiles in children. Thorax 2016;71(8):712-8
  20. Sanders JL, Raja AS, Hasegawa K, Bittner J, Espinola JA, Olamiju B, Sullivan AF, Camargo CA Jr. Decline in consultant availability in Massachusetts emergency departments: 2005 to 2014. Ann Emerg Med 2016;68(4):461-6
  21. Goto T, Camargo CA Jr., Hasegawa K. Fractional exhaled nitric oxide levels in asthma-COPD overlap syndrome: Analysis of the NHANES, 2007-2012. Int J Chron Obstruct Pulmon Dis 2016;11:2149-2155
  22. Yasuda H, Hagiwara Y, Watase H, Hasegawa K. Nocturnal emergency department visits, duration of symptoms, and risk of hospitalization among adults with asthma exacerbations: A multicenter observational study. BMJ Open 2016;6(8):e010670.
  23. Hasegawa K, Mansbach JM, Ajami NJ, Espinola JA, Henke DM, Petrosino JF, Piedra PA, Shaw CA, Sullivan AF, Camargo CA Jr. Association of nasopharyngeal microbiota profiles with bronchiolitis severity in infants hospitalized for bronchiolitis. Eur Respir J 2016;48(5):1329-1339
  24. Balekian DS, Linnemann RW, Hasegawa K, Thadhani R, Camargo CA Jr. Cohort study of severe bronchiolitis during infancy and risk of asthma by 5 years. J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract 2016 [Epub ahead of print]
  25. Hasegawa K, Mansbach JM, Ajami NJ, Petrosino JF, Freishtat RJ, Teach SJ, Piedra PA, Camargo CA Jr. Serum cathelicidin, nasopharyngeal microbiota, and disease severity in infants hospitalized with bronchiolitis. J Allergy Clin Immunol 2016 [Epub ahead of print].
  26. Hasegawa K, Linnemann RW, Mansbach JM, Ajami NJ, Espinola JA, Fiechtner LG, Petrosino JF, Camargo CA Jr. Association of household siblings with nasal and fecal microbiota in infants. Pediatr Int 2016 [Epub ahead of print].
  27. Bernard K, Hasegawa K, Sullivan AF, Camargo CA Jr. A Profile of Indian Health Service emergency departments. Ann Emerg Med 2016; in press.
  28. Hasegawa K, Linnemann RW, Mansbach JM, Ajami NJ, Espinola JA, Petrosino JF, Piedra PA, Stevenson MD, Sullivan AF, Thompson AD, Camargo CA Jr. Nasal airway microbiota profile and severe bronchiolitis in infants: A case-control study. Pediatr Infect Dis J 2016 [Epub ahead of print].
  29. Sato N, Watase H, Hagiwara Y, Hasegawa K. A comparison of emergency airway management between neuromuscular blockades alone and rapid sequence intubation: An analysis of multicenter prospective study. BMC Res Notes 2016; in press.
  30. Shimada YJ, Tsugawa Y, Iso H, Brown DFM, Hasegawa K. Association between bariatric surgery and risk of hospitalizations for stable angina pectoris in obese adults. Heart 2016; in press



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