


Dr. Tadao Ooka: プロテオミクスや統合オミクス手法(例えば mtQTL)を利用し意欲的な論文を次々と出版。次作もチャレンジングな内容に飛び込んでいます(今は秘密)。将来の日本の公衆衛生を引っ張る存在として期待しています。

Dr. Ryohei Shibata: 理研でのマイクロバイオーム研究のトレーニングを活かし、高度な解析方法を使った解析のエクスパートとして活躍。乳児期における早期IgE感作を切り口として、臨床にインパクトを与えるであろう業績を積み上げています。ラボの大黒柱として期待しています。

Dr. Michihito Kyo: 集中治療医としてのexpertiseを活かしながら、メタボロミクス・プロテオミクスや統合オミクス手法を利用し意欲的な研究にチャレンジ。現在は重症covidのエンドタイピングに取り組んでいます。楽しみです

Dr. Makiko Nanishi: 子育てに忙しいなかで2年間お疲れさまでした。研究歴ゼロから重要な筆頭論文を連発しました。すごい!

Dr. Heidi Makrinioti: ギリシャ育ちでロンドンで小児科および免疫学基礎研究を受けたエキスパート。この秋よりラボに加わっています。早くもラボのムードメーカーです。

Dr. Zhaozhong Zhu: 以下にあるような複数のleading journalsにて筆頭著者として出版しています。NIHのトレーニンググラントK01も順調ですし、foundationグラントも複数取れています。PIへの道は険しいですが、順調です。

他にもラボ全体として、合計30本の原著論文および4本のレビュー論文を出版しました。我々の領域のleading journalsであるLancet Respir Med, J Allergy Clin Immunol, Allergy などから出版しています。年間の被引用数は1,750+ (累計で8,000+)。2022年は数は減らし一つ一つを深めていく戦略でしたので、まずまずでした。



  • Zhu Z, Camargo CA Jr., Raita Y, Fujiogi M, Liang L, Rhee EP, Woodruff P, Hasegawa K. Metabolome subtyping of severe bronchiolitis in infant and risk of childhood asthma. J Allergy Clin Immunol 2022;149:102-112
  • Ooka T, Zhu Z, Liang L, Celedon JC, Harmon B, Hahn A, Rhee EP, Freishtat RJ Camargo CA Jr., Hasegawa K. Integrative genetics-metabolomics analysis of infant bronchiolitis-childhood asthma link: A multicenter prospective study. Front Immunol 2022; in press
  • Shibata R, Fujiogi M, Nanishi M, Ooka T, Mansbach JM, Teach SJ, Hasegawa K, Camargo CA, Jr. Total immunoglobulin E in infant bronchiolitis and risk of developing asthma. J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract 2022; in press
  • Kyo M, Zhu Z, Nanishi M, Shibata R, Ooka T, Freishtat RJ, Mansbach JM, Camargo CA Jr., Hasegawa K. Association of nasopharyngeal and serum glutathione metabolism with bronchiolitis severity and asthma risk: A prospective multicenter cohort study. Metabolites 2022; in press
  • Ooka T, Raita Y, Fujiogi M, Freishtat RJ, Gerszten RE, Mansbach, JM, Zhu Z, Camargo CA Jr., Hasegawa K. Proteomics endotyping of infants with severe bronchiolitis and risk of childhood asthma. Allergy 2022; online ahead of print
  • Fujiogi M, Raita Y, Perez-Losada M, Freishat RJ, Celedon JC, Mansbach JM, Piedra PA, Zhu Z, Camargo CA Jr., Hasegawa K. Integrated relationship of nasopharyngeal airway host response and microbiome with bronchiolitis severity. Nat Commun 2022; in press
  • Zhu Z, Camargo CA Jr., Raita Y, Freishtat RJ, Fujiogi M, Hahn A, Mansbach JM, Spergel JM, Perez-Losada M, Hasegawa K. Nasopharyngeal airway dual-transcriptome of infants with severe bronchiolitis and risk of childhood asthma: A multicenter prospective study. J Allergy Clin Immunol 2022; online ahead of print
  • Vitko D, McQuaid JW, Gheinani AH, Hasegawa K, DiMartino S, Davis KH, Chung CY, Petrosino JF, Adam RM, Mansbach JM, Lee R. Urinary tract infections in children with vesicoureteral reflux are accompanied by alterations in urinary microbiota and metabolome profiles. Eur Urolol 2022;81:151-154
  • Dumas O, Erkkola R, Bergroth E, Hasegawa K, Mansbach JM, Piedra PA, Jartti T, Camargo CA Jr. Severe bronchiolitis profiles and risk of asthma development in Finnish children. J Allergy Clin Immunol 2022;149:1281-1285
  • Mansbach JM, Qi Y, Espinola JA, Hasegawa K, Puls HT, Sullivan AF, Camargo CA Jr. Late pre-term infants with severe bronchiolitis and risk of asthma by age 5 years. J Pediatr 2022;22:247-250
  • Nanishi M, Fujiogi M, Stevenson M, Liang L, Qi YS, Raita Y, Hasegawa K, Camargo CA Jr. Association of growth trajectory profiles with asthma development in infants hospitalized with bronchiolitis. J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract 2022;10:723-731
  • Raita Y, Perez-Losada, Freishtat RJ, Hahn A, Castro-Nallar E, Ramos-Tapia I, Stearrett N, Bochkov YA, Gern JA, Mansbach JM, Zhu Z, Camargo CA Jr., Hasegawa K. Nasopharyngeal metatranscriptome profiles of infants with bronchiolitis and risk of childhood asthma: a multicentre prospective study. Eur Respir J 2022;60:2102293
  • Yamanaka S, Goto T, Morikawa K, Watase H, Okamoto H, Hagiwara Y, Hasegawa K. Machine learning approaches for difficult airway and first-pass success in the emergency department: Multicenter prospective observational study. Inter J Medical Res 2022;11:e28366.
  • Fujiogi M, Dumas O, Hasegawa K, Jartti T, Camargo CA Jr. Identifying and predicting severe bronchiolitis profiles at high risk for developing asthma: Analysis of three prospective cohorts. EClinicalMedicine 2022;43:101257
  • Nanishi M, Fujiogi M, Freishtat RJ, Hoptay CE, Bauer CS, Stevenson MD, Camargo CA Jr., Hasegawa K. Serum periostin among infants with severe bronchiolitis and risk of developing asthma: A prospective multicenter cohort study. Allergy 2022; online ahead of print
  • Makrinioti H, Hasegawa K, Lakoumentas J, Xepapadaki P, Tsolia M, Feleszko W, Jartti T, Johnston SL, Bush A, Papaevangelou P, Camargo CA Jr., Papadopoulos NG. The role of respiratory syncytial virus- and rhinovirus-induced bronchiolitis in recurrent wheeze and asthma inception – a systematic review and meta-analysis. Pediatr Allergy Immunol 2022;33(3):e13741.
  • Goto T, Oka S, Okamoto H, Hagiwara H, Watase H, Hasegawa K. Postgraduate years and intubation outcomes in the emergency department: A prospective multicenter study. JAMA Netw Open 2022;5(4):e226622
  • Liang LW, Raita Y, Hasegawa K, Fifer MA, Maurer MS, Reilly MP, Shimada YJ. Proteomics profiling reveals a distinct high-risk molecular subtype of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Heart 2022; online ahead of print
  • Shimada YJ, Raita Y, Maurer MS, Hasegawa K, Fifer MA, Reilly M. Prediction of major adverse cardiovascular events in patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy using proteomics profiling. Circ Genom Precis Med 2022; in press
  • Lander BS, Zhao Y, Hasegawa K, Maurer MS, Tower-Rader A, Fifer MA, Reilly MP, Shimada YJ. Comprehensive proteomics profiling identifies patients with late gadolinium enhancement on cardiac magnetic resonance imaging in the hypertrophic cardiomyopathy population. Frontier Cardiovasc Med 2022; in press
  • Fujiogi M, Zhu Z, Raita Y, Ooka T, Celedon JC, Freishtat RJ, Camargo CA Jr., Hasegawa K. Nasopharyngeal lipidomic endotypes of infants with bronchiolitis and risk childhood asthma: A multicenter prospective study. Thorax 2022; in press
  • Robinson LB, Arroyo AC, Qi Y, Geller, RJ, Bauer CS, Hasegawa, K, Sullivan, AF, Camargo CA Jr. Infant exposure to acid suppressant medications increases risk of recurrent wheeze and asthma in childhood. J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract 2022; in press.
  • Sluyter J, Raita Y, Hasegawa K, Reid IR, Scragg R, Camargo CA, Jr. Prediction of vitamin D deficiency in older adults: the role of machine learning models. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2022; 107: 2737-2747
  • Camargo CA Jr., Boggs KM, Cash RE, Doshi VP, Isaacson HH, Hasegawa K, Raja AS. Changes in scientific characteristics of abstracts accepted to the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine Annual Meeting, 1990-2020. Acad Emerg Med 2022; in press
  • Mansbach JM, Ying Q, Espinola JA, Hasegawa K, Sullivan AF, Camargo CA Jr. Recurrent wheezing phenotypes after severe bronchiolitis and asthma by age 6 years. J Allergy Clin Immunol Global 2022; in press.
  • Herscovici D, Boggs KM, Cash RE, Espinola JA, Sullivan AF, Hasegawa K, Nagurney JT, Camargo CA Jr. Development of a unified national percutaneous coronary intervention center database, 2020. Am Heart J 2022; in press.
  • Hagiwara Y, Goto T, Ohnishi S, Miyamoto D, Ikeyama Y, Matsunami K, Hasegawa K. Airway management in the pediatric emergency department in Japan: A multicenter prospective observational study. Acute Med Surg 2022; in press
  • Han X, Zhu Z, Xiao Q, Li J, Hong X, Wang X, Hasegawa K, Camargo CA Jr., Liang L. Obesity-related biomarkers underlie a shared genetic architecture between childhood body mass index and childhood onset asthma. Commun Biol 2022; in press
  • Bedell BR, Boggs KM, Espinola JA, Sullivan AF, Hasegawa K, Samuels-Kalow M, Zachrison KS, Camargo CA Jr. Development of a unified national trauma center database, 2018. Injury 2022; in press.
  • Nanishi M, Chandran A, Li X, Stanford JB, Alshawabkeh AN, Aschner JL, Dabelea D, Dunlop AL, Elliott AJ, Gern JE, Hartert TV, Herbstman J, Khurana Hershey GK, Hipwell AE, Karagas MR, Karr CJ, Leve LD, Litonjua AA, McEvoy CT, Miller RL, Oken E, O’Shea TM, Paneth N, Weiss ST, Wright RO, Wright RJ, Carroll KN, Zhang X, Zhao Q, Zoratti EM, Camargo CA Jr., Hasegawa K. Association of severe bronchiolitis during infancy with childhood asthma development: An analysis of the ECHO consortium. Biomedicines 2023;11(1):23


  • Makrinioti H, Camargo CA Jr., Zhu Z, Freishtat RJ, Hasegawa K. Air pollution exposure, bronchiolitis, and asthma: The role of nasal microRNAs. Lancet Respir Med 2022; online ahead of print
  • Makrinioti H, Camargo CA Jr., Jartti T, Hasegawa K. Toward precision epidemiology in bronchiolitis. Chest 2022; online ahead of print
  • Kyo M, Nanishi M, Hasegawa K. Disease phenotypes and endotypes: Future of emergency medicine. Japan J Acute Med 2022;3:355-361
  • Liu C, Makrinioti H, Saglani S, Bowman M, Lin LL, Camargo CA, Hasegawa K, Zhu Z. Microbial dysbiosis and childhood asthma development: integrated role of the airway and gut microbiome, environmental exposures, and host metabolic and immune response. Frontier Immunol 2022; Epub ahead of print.


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