


  • Dr. Raita: 統合オミクス手法を利用し、十年後の教科書を書きかえるようなlandmark的な論文をJ Allergy Clin Immunolより出版。この論文は乳児細気管支炎および小児喘息予防の研究と臨床応用に大きなインパクトを与えます。続編にご期待!

  • Dr. Fujiogi: 高度な解析方法を使ったmetabolome解析のエクスパートになりました (例 Fujiogi et al. Allergy 2020)。Journalのeditor’s pickに取り上げられたり、上原財団のグラントを取ったりと、業績も積み上げています。ラボの大黒柱となってきました!

  • Dr. Nanishi: ラボに参加して3ヶ月。先輩フェローに厳しく?指導を受けながら、すでに一本の論文を執筆(under review)。努力家ですから今後がますます楽しみです!

  • Dr. Zhu: 以下にあるような複数のleading journalsにて筆頭著者として出版するだけでなく、MGH救急部では初のnon-MDスタッフとしても採用されました。NIHのトレーニンググラントK01では(間違いなく)top score を叩き出しています。3回目のチャレンジでしたが努力が実りました。

  • 自分:臨床が忙しかったなか、ラボメンバーから支えてもらい多くを教えてもらいました。感謝しています。

とくに我々の業界のleading journalsである J Allergy Clin Immunol (5本), Am J Respir Crit Care Med, Clin Infect Dis (2本)などから出版しています。


  1. Raita Y, Camargo CA Jr., Bochkov YA, Celedon JC, Gern JE, Mansbach JM, Rhee EP, Freishtat RJ, Hasegawa K. Integrated-omics endotyping of infants with rhinovirus bronchiolitis and risk of childhood asthma. J Allergy Clin Immunol 2020; Epub ahead of print
  2. Fujiogi M, Camargo CA Jr., Raita Y, Bochkov YA, Gern JE, Mansbach JM, Piedra PA, Hasegawa K. Respiratory viruses are associated with serum metabolome among infants hospitalized for bronchiolitis: A multicenter study. Pediatr Allergy Immunol 2020; online ahead of print
  3. Toivonen L, Schuez-Havupalo L, Karppinen S, Waris M, Hoffman KL, Camargo CA Jr., Hasegawa K, Peltola V*. Antibiotic treatments during infancy, changes in nasal microbiota, and asthma development: Population-based cohort study. Clin Infect Dis 2020 [Epub ahead of print]
  4. Zhu Z, Guo Y, Shi H, Liu CL, Pangniban RA, Chung W, O’Connor LJ, Himes BE, Gazal S, Hasegawa K, Camargo CA Jr., Qi L, Moffatt MF, Hu FB, Lu Q, Cookson WOC, Liang L. Shared genetic and experimental links between obesity-related traits and asthma subtypes in UK Biobank. J Allergy Clin Immunol 2020;145(2):537-549.
  5. Ishimaru T, Goto T, Takahashi J, Okamoto H, Hagiwara Y, Watase H, Hasegawa K. Association of ketamine use with lower risk of post-intubation hypotension in hemodynamically-unstable patients in the emergency department. Sci Rep 2020;10(1):2208.
  6. Mansbach JM, Luna PN, Shaw CA, Hasegawa K, Petrosino JF, Piedra PA, Sullivan AF, Espinola JA, Stewart CJ, Camargo CA Jr. Increased Moraxella and Streptococcus abundance following severe bronchiolitis is associated with recurrent wheezing. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2020;145(2):518-527.
  7. Fujiogi M, Camargo CA Jr., Bernot JP, Freishtat RJ, Harmon B, Mansbach JM, Castro-Nallar E, Perez-Losada M, Hasegawa K. In infants with severe bronchiolitis: Dual-transcriptomic profiling of nasopharyngeal microbiome and host response. Pediatr Res 2020;88(2):144-146
  8. Tang Y, Dai T Su Z, Hasegawa K, Tian J, Chen L, Wen D. A tripartite microbial-environment network indicates how crucial microbes influence the microbial community ecology. Microb Ecol 2020;79(2):342-356
  9. Hirayama A, Goto T, Hasegawa K. Association of acute kidney injury with readmissions after hospitalization for acute exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: A population-based study. BMC Nephrol 2020;21(1):116.
  10. Goto T, Yoshida K, Camargo CA Jr, Faridi FH, Hasegawa K. Contribution of social factors to readmission within 30 days after hospitalization for COPD exacerbation. BMC Pulmol Med 2020;20(1):107.
  11. Funakoshi H, Kunitani Y, Goto T, Okamoto H, Hagiwara Y, Watase H, Hasegawa K. Association between repeated tracheal intubation attempts and adverse events in children in the emergency department. Pediatr Emerg Care 2020; in press.
  12. Fujiogi M, Camargo CA Jr., Raita Y, Bochkov YA, Gern JE, Mansbach JM, Piedra PA, Hasegawa K. Association of rhinovirus species with nasopharyngeal metabolome in bronchiolitis infants: A multicenter study. Allergy 2020; online ahead of print
  13. Miwayaki A, Hasegawa K, Tsugawa Y. Lessons from influenza outbreaks for potential impact of COVID-19 outbreak on hospitalizations, ventilator use, and mortality among homeless persons in New York state. J Gen Intern Med 2020; online ahead of print
  14. Mansbach JM, HasegawaK, Geller RJ, Espinola JA, Sullivan AF, Camargo CA Jr. Bronchiolitis severity is related to recurrent wheezing by age 3 years in a prospective, multicenter cohort. Pediatr Res 2020;87(3):428-430.
  15. Raita Y,Toivonen L, Shuez-Havupalo L, Karppinen S, Waris M, Hoffman KL, Camargo CA Jr., Peltla V, Hasegawa K. Maturation of nasal microbiota and antibiotic exposures during early childhood: Population-based study. Clin Microbiol Infect 2020; online ahead of print
  16. Raita Y, Camargo CA Jr, Macias CG, Mansbach JM, Piedra PA, Porter SC, Teach SJ, Hasegawa K. Machine learning-based predicting of acute severity in infants hospitalized for bronchiolitis: A multicenter prospective study. Sci Rep 2020;3;10(1):10979.
  17. Teferi MM, Boggs KM, Espinola JA, Harrigton R, Mick NW, Rutman MS, Venkatesh AK, Zabbo CP, Hasegawa K, Samuels-Kalow ME, Weiner S, Camargo CA Jr. Change in opioid policies in New England emergency departments, 2014 vs. 2018. Drug Alcohol Depend 2020; online ahead of print
  18. Mansbach JM, Hasegawa K, Piedra PA, Sullivan AF, Camargo CA Jr. Severe coronavirus bronchiolitis in the pre-COVID-19 era. Pediatrics 2020; online ahead of print
  19. Zhu Z, Hasegawa K, Ma B, Fujiogi M, Camargo CA Jr., Liang L. Association of asthma and its genetic predisposition with the risk of severe COVID-19. J Allergy Clin Immunol 2020;146(2):327-329
  20. Mansbach JM,Geller RJ, Hasegawa K, Piedra PA, Avadhanula V, Gern JE, Bochkov YA, Espinola JA, Sullivan AF, Camargo CA Jr. Detection of respiratory syncytial virus or rhinovirus weeks after hospitalization for bronchiolitis and the risk of recurrent wheezing. J Infect Dis 2020; online ahead of print
  21. Hirayama A, Goto T, Faridi MK, Camargo CA Jr, Hasegawa K. Association of obstructive sleep apnea with all-cause readmissions after hospitalization for asthma exacerbation in adults aged 18-54 years: A population-based study, 2010-2013. J Asthma 2020; online ahead of print
  22. Shimada YJ, Batra J, Kochav SM, Patel P, Jung J, Maurer MS, Hasegawa K, Reilly MP, Fifer MA. Difference in metabolomic response to exercise between patients with and without hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. J Cardiovasc Transl Res 2020; online ahead of print
  23. Sahashi Y, Endo H, Sugimoto T, Nabeta T, Nishizaki K, Kikuchi A, Matsumoto S, Sato H, Goto T, Hasegawa K, Matsue Y. Worries and concerns among healthcare workers during the coronavirus 2019 pandemic: A web-based cross-sectional survey. medRxiv 2020.
  24. Miyawaki A, Hasegawa K, Tsugawa Y. Hospital readmission and emergency department revisits of homeless patients treated at homeless-serving hospitals in the U.S.: Observational study. J Gen Intern Med 2020; online ahead of print
  25. Toivonen L, Kappinen S, Schuez-Havupalo L, Waris M, He Q, Hoffman KL, Petrosino JF, Dumas O, Camargo CA Jr. Hasegawa K, Peltola V. Longitudinal changes in early nasal microbiota and the risk of childhood asthma. Pediatrics 2020; online ahead of print
  26. Zhu Z, Hasegawa K, Ma B, Fujiogi M, Camargo CA Jr., Liang L. Association of obesity and its genetic predisposition with the risk of severe COVID-19: Analysis of population-based cohort data. Metabolism 2020;112:154345 online ahead of print
  27. Samuels-Kalow ME, Boggs KM, Cash RE, Herrington R, Mick NW, Rutman MS, Venkatesh AK, Zabbo CP, Sullivan AF, Hasegawa K, Zacharison, KS, Camargo CA Jr. Screening for Health-related social needs of emergency department patients. Ann Emerg Med 2020; in press
  28. Boggs KM, Teferi MM, Espinola JA, Sullivan AF, Hasegawa K, Zacharison KS, Samuels-Kalow ME, Camargo CA Jr. Consolidating emergency department-specific data to enable linkage with large administrative datasets. West J Emerg Med 2020; in press
  29. Fujiogi, M. Camargo CA Jr, Raita Y, Toivonen L, Freishtat RJ, Mansbach JM, Piedra PA, Hasegawa K. Association of endemic coronaviruses with nasopharyngeal metabolome and microbiota among infants with severe bronchiolitis: A prospective multicenter study. Pediatr Res 2020; in press
  30. Patregnani JT, Fujiogi M, Camargo CA Jr., Brooks BA, Hoptay CE, Mansbach JM, Teach SJ, Freishtat RJ, Hasegawa K. Serum soluble receptor for advanced glycation end-products (sRAGE) in infants with bronchiolitis: Associations with acute severity and recurrent wheeze. Clin Infect Dis 2020; in press
  31. Kochav SM, Raita Y, Fifer MA, Takayama H, Ginns J, Maurer MS, Reilly MP, Hasegawa K, YJ Shimada. Predicting the development of adverse cardiac events in patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy using machine learning. Intern J Cardiol 2020; in press
  32. Geller RJ, Espinola JA, Hasegawa K,Mansbach JM, Sullivan AF, Camargo CA Jr. A comparison of childhood asthma case definitions based on parent-reported data. Ann Epidemiol 2020; in press
  33. Myers LC, Faridi MK, Hasegawa K, Hanania N, Camargo CA Jr. The Hospital Readmissions Reduction Program and readmissions for patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, 2006-2015. Ann Am Thorac Soc 2020;17(4):450-456
  34. Chen Arroyo AJ, Robinson LB, Geller RJ, Rudders S, Sullivan AF, Hasegawa K, Camargo CA Jr. Allergic sensitization during early life: Concordance between ImmunoCAP and ISAC results. J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract 2020; in press
  35. Choi T, Devries M, Bacharier L, Busse W, Camargo CA Jr., Cohen R, Demuri GP, Evans MD, Fitzpatrick AM, Gergen PJ, Grindle K, Gruchalla R, Hartert T, Hasegawa K, Hershey GKK, Holt P, Homil K, Jartti T, Kattan M, Kercsmar C, Haejin K, Laing IA, LeBeau P, Lee kE, Le Souef, PN< Liu A, Mauger DT, Ober C, Pappas T, Patel SJ, Phipatanakul W, Pongracic J, Seroogy C, Sly PD, Tiesler C, Wald ER, Wood R, Gangron R, Jackson DJ, Lemanske RF Jr., Gern JE, Bochkov YA. Enhanced neutralizing antibody responses to rhinovirus C and age-dependent patterns of infection. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2020; in press
  36. Zhu Z, Hasegawa K, Camargo CA Jr., Liang L. Investigating asthma heterogeneity through shared and distinct genetics: insights from genome-wide cross-trait analysis. J Allergy Clin Immunol 2020; online ahead of print
  37. Hasegawa K, Craig SS, Teach SJ, Camargo CA Jr. Management of asthma exacerbations in the emergency department. J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract 2020; in press


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